I'm about to embark on Caro's LBJ series after re-reading The Power Broker, wish me luck, I'll need it!

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Jan 26Liked by Matthew Greber

Hey, I’m on it! I love your recommendations, particularly Dan Carlin and Robert Caro. My son gave me The Power Broker, which is only in hardback, and I loved it. Great suggestions. BTW I just finished listened to Rachael Maddow’s “Prequel” on audio while walking the dog. It works as a long podcast and I don’t even watch her on CNBC

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I gorge on three podcasts:

1. Backlisted: A show from England that "breathes lives into old books." It's episode on "Great Expectations' inspired me to reread Dickens, one a year, and now that I've listened to all the episodes on books I've read, I'm now reading the books they've covered that I haven't.

2. If Books Could Kill. It systematically tears apart the bestselling, but nonetheless deeply flawed books of our time. You'll give up on Gladwell after this.

3. NJ Is the World. Equal parts a celebration and excoriation of the state I live in by comedian Chris Gethard and his childhood friends from West Orange Mike D and Nicky Bonnaduce. Best eps include the food court fantasy daft, books about NJ, and The Seven Deadly Sins of NJ.

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